From the net to the grill


June 3, 2024

Summer is just around the corner and with it the barbecue season! In addition to the many traditional meat and sausage specialties, fish lovers now also get their money's worth. Fish on the grill is not only a healthy alternative, but also a delicious way to enrich the barbecue evening.

Marinade makes the difference

Marinades play a decisive role here. They give the fish not only flavor, but also an attractive appearance. With two new dry marinades, the aquatic inhabitants can now be prepared even more easily. BBQ-Fix Puszta (item no.: 297652) with paprika and tomato convinces with a piquant taste. At the same time, the strong red color inspires and ensures an attractive look in the counter. BBQ-Fix Friesland (item no.: 297650) makes the hearts of classic fish connoisseurs beat faster. It sets full spicy accents with onion, parsley and dill. The strong green color also makes the marinade a real visual treat. As a practical dry product, they can not only be stored for a long time, but also always be prepared very quickly in the right quantity. So they are ready to use exactly when you need them. The marinades can be mixed with or without oil, depending on the type of fish. In addition, BBQ-Fix Puszta and BBQ-Fix Friesland score points with integrated shelf-life extension.

Schmeckt nach Meer

Leicht, vielfältig und voll hochwertigem Eiweiß – das sind nur ein paar der Attribute, die Fisch auf dem Grill auszeichnen. Von heimischen Süßwasserfischen bis zu exotischen Meerwasserbewohnern ist die Auswahl nahezu grenzenlos. Doch die Kunst liegt nicht nur in der Auswahl des Fisches, sondern auch in der richtigen Zubereitung.