Product development

Product development

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A team that sets trends

Our product development experts know the market's requirements in terms of functionality and taste. They always have their finger on the pulse of the times in order to set trends worldwide and help shape them, whether as a partner for the trade or industrial food production. 

Quality is always in demand

The Product Development department is already providing solutions today that will be urgently needed tomorrow. As consumer wishes are constantly changing, so are our customers' requirements.

The expectation that our solutions deliver the highest quality and best results has remained unchanged over the decades. And we fulfil this expectation reliably, day after day! 

Perfectly attuned to butchery

Manufacturers in the butcher's trade need products that are in line with their traditions and retain their authenticity. At the same time, many are looking for ideas that will expand their customer base and secure it in the long term.

Our broad-based R&D team creates solutions that are perfectly tailored to these needs. The team develops classic ham and sausage products for butchers, also in organic quality or clean label, i.e. free of E-numbers.

Individual solutions on a large scale

Our product development meets industrial requirements too.

We know the challenges of the food industry inside out and work with manufacturers to develop products that generate sales and inspire consumers.

Our worldwide locations give us extensive market knowledge in the focus markets, which enables us to understand and implement regional needs in terms of function and taste.

Perfect use of technology & know-how

To achieve perfect results, the R&D experts use their wide know-how.

At the same time, the tailor-made solutions must be easy to use and easy to implement. This is important for our individual customers, because ideally the processes and work steps for the production of first-class end products can then be carried out with existing equipment

This is especially true for innovative products, such as vegetarian and vegan products, as well as high-quality convenience or semi-finished solutions

Cooperation, the recipe for success

A close cooperation between NovaTaste departments, e. g. with our technical experts to create industry suitable applications for our customers, as well as intensive interchange with global suppliers to identify trends and solutions, is key for our success.

New developments are tested and best-practice application recipes designed in our 1.000 square metre development centre. In coordination with the Food law department, declaration recommendations can also be made – checked and adapted to the respective country.

Our approach is characterised by personal collaboration: listening, understanding, implementation - with a touch of creativity.

Our focus areas

We have many years of experience in the meat and sausage industry. We master the entire range of applications – from exquisite first-class specialities that make connoisseurs rave to affordable products that are committed to cost-effectiveness. In addition, a team of several people researches topics related to plant-based nutrition. It develops substitute products for meat and milk, vegan foods and deals with alternative proteins, for example from algae or insects. Other focal points are the development of new flavors, the improvement of production processes through sophisticated products and NovaTaste know-how, and the optimization of Nutri-Score values in the final product.