It's asparagus time at Deco Quick®

Sausage Casing

June 3, 2024

When the first asparagus tips protrude from the ground, it's clear: spring is here! Lighter food is now in demand on the plates again, fresh herbs and spring vegetables are in season.

Even in the well-stocked Deco Quick® range, flavors adapted to the season cause a sensation. Above all, Deco Quick®type asparagus with its characteristic intense taste prepares spring-like enjoyment - especially in combination with masterful cooked ham. If you want to add asparagus flavour to cooked cured products "from the inside", it is best to use the universally applicable seasoning Lakarom asparagus.

Cooked Ham with Deco Quick®Type Asparagus



100.0 kg Pork ham, deboned without sinews and fat

20 % Brine


82.5 kg water/ice

12.0 kg nitrite curing salt

3.5 kg Schiadite P, Item No.: 230539

2,0 kg Lakarom Asparagus, Item No.: 254551

Deco Quick®:

Deco Quick® flat width 420 x 500 mm sheets Type Asparagus, Item No.: 547581

Deco Quick® flat width 420 x 330 mm sheets Type Asparagus, Item No.: 547580

Inlay Foil 55 x 60 cm for Cooked Ham transparent, Item No.: 540602


  1. Dissolve the Schiadit P and Lakarom asparagus in cold water
  2. Dissolve nitrite curing salt
  3. Leave 10% of the Water behind and add in the form of ice in the end; final brine temperature 0°C
  4. Inject meat parts with the brine; inject rate 20%
  5. Tumble for approx. 12-14 hours (depending on the system) under vacuum at intervals
  6. Lay out a mould first with ham foil and then with Deco Quick asparagus
  7. Place the ham in the mould and press
  8. Scald for approx.. 1 hour at 60°C; 1 hour at 70°C, cook for remaining time at 76°C until core temperature 70 – 72°C (hold for 20 minutes)
  9. After cooling, remove the ham from the mould and peel up the Deco Quick® foil