On fire for Fumy
Product Ideas
January 20, 2025
Smoked foods are an integral part of our food culture. Formerly used as an aid for preservation, today smoking is valued above all for its typical taste.
In addition to the traditional smoking processes, seasonings are available that provide the desired taste effect in an uncomplicated way. Smoke additives can be used in a variety of ways in meat and sausage products as well as marinades. They can be efficiently integrated into existing production processes. Advantages over traditional methods are the stable smoke taste and the wide range of different flavors.
Gewürzmüller smoke salts
When it comes to smoke, the keyword at Gewürzmüller is "Fumy". Fumy 2000 Rauchsalz and Fumy Rauchwürze II contain smoked salt and stand for a deep, complex smoky taste and uncomplicated application. Fumy 2000 Rauchsalz provides taste for boiled and brewed sausage, salami and as an outer seasoning. The all-rounder Fumy Rauchwürze II is used for all foods.
As is well known, the EU does not extend the approval of primary smoke condensates as food. Fumy 2000 Rauchsalz and Fumy Rauchwürze II are not affected by this new regulation, as they do not contain smoke flavourings from primary smoke condensates.
Gewürzmüller | Fumy Rauchwürze II, item no.: 227713 Gewürzmüller | Fumy 2000 Rauchsalz, item no.: 227166